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MAN NL283 Lion`s City #437

8 april 2024 - Würzburg, Friedrich-Spee-Straße (Königsberger Straße)

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Würzburg (Bayern) | Owner: NVG Würzburg | Transport Authority: VVM | Route: 16

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #518

16 march 2024 - Opole, Solidarności Av. On 2nd September 2023 line 1 made its comeback in Opole. Yet it doesn`t share even a single stop with its incarnation from the past. It`s offers quickest east - west connection as it uses dedicated bus lines that up till then weren`t used by any urban buses. Line 1 has frequency of 30 minutes on work days, runs hourly on Saturdays with no service on Sundays.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #515

7 october 2021 - Opole, ulica 1 Maja.

Author: piotr_kosz RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #526

2 july 2023 - Opole, ul. Korfantego. Pozdrowienia dla miłośników z Opola! Szok, dopiero trzecie zdjęcie od nowości.

Author: Marcin Nawrot™ RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #525

11 february 2020 - Opole, Budowlanych St. The bus in front of Odra Cement Mill. It`s the oldest active cement plant in Poland as it dates back to year 1911. Opole used to be one of main producers of this material and at its peak had 9 cement plants. Odra is the last one still working and there are no plans of its closure.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #512

28 february 2019 - Opole, Prosta St. Due to the shortage of drivers MZK has begun cutting its offerings. Let`s hope it`s only temporary.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #506

9 may 2022 - Opole, ul. Szarych Szeregów. Liczyłem na midika ale niestety przyjechał duży MAN.

Author: jaceksonewseredytor RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Route: SZ-1

Comments: 2

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #523

19 july 2022 - Opole, ul. Damrota. Z uwagi na budowę tzw. centrum przesiadkowego przez dłuższy czas bardzo utrudniony był ruch w rejonie opolskiego dworca głównego. Autobusy trafiły też na Damrota, gdzie umiejscowiony był przystanek, na którym zatrzymywały się wszystkie linie kursujące w tej okolicy. Mi się udało tam dotrzeć tuż przed końcem tych atrakcji, lepiej późno niż wcale :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #526

31 august 2022 - Czarnowąsy, droga w kierunku elektrowni.

Author: xxoceltoxxnewser RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #528

16 january 2022 - Opole, ul. Piastowska.

Author: Matel6380 RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #519

13 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Ozimska.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #529

20 august 2021 - Opole, ul. Horoszkiewicza

Author: Radosław M. RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #517

6 november 2021 - Opole, rondo Antosia Petrykiewicza. W tle zabudowania osiedla Chabry graniczącego z wielką dziurą w ziemi.

Author: Adrian Henszel RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #525

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Kazimierza Pużaka.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #513

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Wiejska.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 17

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #516

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Wojciecha Korfantego.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

Comments: 3

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #507

12 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Wojciecha Korfantego.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #512

12 august 2020 - Opole, Piastowska St. Seen behind the trees is very nice tenement house at Szpitalna St. 3. Buses 509-513 have been delivered in February 2012. Whole batch has mileage of about 700k kilometres, yet all of them still look quite fresh.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 7

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #516

10 august 2020 - Opole, Wojska Polskiego St. After #516`s heavy accident in August 2019 it took 10 months to repair and get it back on the streets.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 4

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #508

13 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Władysława Reymonta.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #512

26 february 2020 - Opole, Sosnkowskiego St. I`m not the greatest urban art fan in the world, but I find this wall art quite interesting indeed.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 17

Comments: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #515

2 february 2020 - Opole, ul. Niemodlińska.
Przez 10 lat okolica się trochę zmieniła. Poszerzono ulicę i tym samym przesunięto przystanek kilkadziesiąt metrów wcześniej, przy okazji ubyło trochę zieleni. Pomiędzy budynkiem na pierwszym planie a szkołą wyrosło osiedle, a elektrownia w Brzeziu jest już w Opolu i wzbogaciła się o dwie nowe chłodnie kominowe.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 17

Comments: 2

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #529

7 february 2019 - Opole, ul. Cmentarna

Author: Brzoza RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

Comments: 2

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #511

14 october 2018 - Opole, Kolejowa St. This narrow street usually sees no public transport.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

Comments: 3

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #527

30 december 2019 - Opole, pętla przy al. Przyjaźni.

Author: Skwarkson1680 RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #521

30 december 2019 - Opole, pętla przy al. Przyjaźni.

Author: Skwarkson1680 RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 16

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #510

12 september 2019 - Górki, Szeroka St. The terminus is very narrow and requires some driving skills to turn around. What`s more important however, the passengers are there!

Author: no future RSS
Place: Prószków (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 2

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #510

12 september 2019 - Górki, Szeroka St. This is the newest addition to Opole`s public transport network. From September 2nd on 6 times a working day line 15 serves this village in community Prószków.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Prószków (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

Comments: 3

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #516

10 june 2018 - Opole, Głogowska St. On 21st August 2019 this bus had an accident. 3 persons, including the driver, were taken to the hospital. Links to articles and pictures are in the bus data sheet.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 4

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #512

16 april 2019 - Opole, ul. Wschodnia.

Author: Lions RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #523

22 july 2019 - Opole, Częstochowska St. Another section of Opole`s street network that normally isn`t served by MZK is temporary used due to works on Tysiąclecia railway crossing. Although this part of Częstochowska used to see line 10, 17 and S back in the day. The bus in the picture passes by an old bus stop.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

Comments: 18

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #505

17 july 2019 - Opole, Pużaka St, terminus. Platenbaus in near original state are becoming rare not only in Opole, but in a whole Poland.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

Comments: 3

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #522

10 july 2019 - Opole, Witosa Av. In Opole there are 38 3rd gen Lion`s City with this timeless elegant front. On the streets they are dwarfed by 51 ones with newer albeit uglier black jawed fronts. Yes, I know. First world problems :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 28

Comments: 4

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #514

18 november 2018 - Opole, Zbożowa street.
It was quite warm november sunday. The bus went to the Enterprise Zone located on Nortnern street. Nowadays, at this place, the diggers and the bulldozers work on the construction of a new road.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

Comments: 6

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #524

7 may 2019 - Opole, Reymonta St. and Ozimska St. intersection. Let`s catch a little break from Euro 6 engined buses :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 3

Comments: 8

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #517

17 may 2014 - Opole, ul. Działkowa. Zgniły poranek przed zajezdnią MZK. Byłem tam o tej porze tylko raz, ale odniosłem wrażenie, że ze względu na oddalenie zajezdni od centrum oraz wyjazdy wykonywane "na pusto", takie widoki oglądają chyba tylko kierowcy przyjeżdżający rano do pracy.

Author: wgtram RSS

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #519

6 april 2019 - Opole, ul. 1 Maja.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #527

6 april 2019 - Opole, ul. 1 Maja.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 15

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #513

6 april 2019 - Opole, ul. Stanisława Spychalskiego.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #528

6 april 2019 - Opole, ul. 1 Maja.

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 21

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #506

6 april 2019 - Opole, ul. 1 Maja. Trochę nudno teraz na weekendy w Opolu...same MANy :)

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 12

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #524

6 april 2019 - Zawada, teren Turawa Park przy ul. Dębowej. MAN podejmuje właśnie kolejny kurs na linii 18 .

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Turawa (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 18

Comments: 7

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #529

6 april 2019 - Opole, ul. 1 Maja. Zdjęcia od tyłu jeszcze nie miał...

Author: Hanys RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #513

18 february 2019 - Opole, nameless road near Opole Power Plant. In the background a fishing area "Sródlesie" can be seen. It was still partially covered with ice.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 10

Comments: 3

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #522

21 november 2018 - Opole, ul. Sosnkowskiego.

Author: Piotr_BProfesional RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Route: 3

Comments: 2

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #527

24 october 2018 - Opole, East Str. Picture 2/2 of 527 that day. This terminus sees line 14 buses only twice a day. Considering the fact, that there was not a single passenger probably two times too many.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #527

24 october 2018 - Opole, Friendship Av. Picture 1/2 of 527 that day. Route of line 14 is somewhat U-shaped. It takes over 9 kilometers beetwen this site and Wschodnia 23 terminus. However, it`s less then 3 kilometers in straight line. So I decided to take advantage of this fact and took second photo there. And I didn`t even break a sweat using my bicycle :)

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

Comments: 4

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #507

18 october 2018 - Opole, Friendship Av, Szczeszyńskiego St. and Narutowicza St. intersection. 16 starts its long journey towards Wawelno.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 16

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #514

8 october 2018 - Opole, Kowalczyków St. Request stop Kowalczyków - Batorego can be seen.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #506

3 october 2018 - Opole, Rejtana Street. Strong winds up to 50 mph caused some damage in Opole region. One of least significant examples can be seen in the picture. Just few minutes before it was taken the temporary road sign was blown down.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 2

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #523

29 april 2018 - Opole. C.H. Karolinka.

Author: Mateusz Gadziński RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Route: 28

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #524

29 september 2018 - Opole, Tarnopolska - Koszalińska intersection. This rural view gives a false impression of serenity. Just behind the left of edge of the photo lies a huge DIY and home improvement store. And two large districts are in very close proximity. Both ZWM and Malinka have over 20000 citizens.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #504

27 september 2018 - Opole, Sosnkowskiego Street. Autumn is finally upon us.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 7

Comments: 8

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #524

12 august 2018 - Opole, ul. Ozimska.
Może dziwić fakt mijania przystanku lewym pasem, ale piątka tutaj tylko objazdowo.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 5

Comments: 4

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #505

12 august 2018 - Opole, ul. Ozimska → Katowicka.
Linia 25 chyba najbardziej ucierpiała na objeździe Korfantego, gdyż jednocześnie objazdowo i liniowo wykonuje manewr jak na zdjęciu. Prawdę powiedziawszy nie wiem czy jechał tutaj już właściwą trasą, czy jeszcze objeżdżał. A tak na serio, to ta trasa jest tak poryta, że nawet nie będę się podejmował wytłumaczenia o co w tym wszystkim chodzi, dodam jedynie, że to linia półokólna.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 25

Comments: 2

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #507

12 august 2018 - Opole, ul. Ozimska → Katowicka.
Poza tym, że 12 normalnie się tutaj nie zapuszcza, to od początku wakacyjnego rozkładu jazdy została wydłużona do centrum handlowego, co możemy zobaczyć na wyświetlaczu. Jeszcze trochę czasu minie zanim się do tego przyzwyczaję.

Author: es.em RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 12

Comments: 1

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #528

25 june 2018 - Opole, Koszalińska Street. A few changes took place in Opole`s bus routes on June 25th. Among others lines 9 and 13 were lengthen to Witosa Wygonowa terminus using Tarnopolska and Koszalińska Streets and Solidarity Avenue. Koszalińska sees regular lines for the first time in its history. Sadly, there is no bus stop here...

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 9

Comments: 11

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #517

22 june 2018 - Opole, Village`s Street. Bus line 11 had been present in Gosławice for over thirty years. From June 25 on it will be replaced by line 5. Beside a chapel one can see a monument which reminds us of complicated history of this region. It says in german: "Den Gefallen Helden der Gemeinde Goslawitz 1914-1918". It translates as: To fallen heroes of Community Goslavitz 1914-1918.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 11

Comments: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #527

7 august 2017 - Opole, ul. Stanisława Spychalskiego.

Author: MICH@Ł RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 13

Comments: 5

MAN NL283 Lion`s City #521

15 june 2018 - Opole, Traugutta Street. Will there be a second life for this former office building seen on the left side of the picture? These are basically the last remains of Groszowice Cement Plant. It`s downfall came in 1997 when infamous flooding destroyed one of its quarries. Subsequently production ceased in 1999. Actual plant was demolished in later years.

Author: no future RSS
Place: Opole (Opolskie) | Owner: MZK Opole | Transport Authority: UM Opole | Route: 14

Comments: 2



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