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АКСМ-101ПС #3008

15 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - Transport Museum: Continuing our look at the vehicles displayed at the Minsk museum, here is another trolleybus from the 1990s. This was once #3008 in the operating fleet.

Белкоммунмаш 201 #2083

15 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - Transport Museum: A Belkommunmash-built trolleybus, one of several displayed at the new museum of the Minsk transport operator. A number of old trolleybuses are displayed here, at one of the biggest trolleybus systems in the world. The only problem might be that they all look nice and shiny just now, but are lined up outside with no protection from the winter weather, so great care will have to be taken to stop their condition from deteriorating.

Comments: 1

ЛАЗ-699Р #061824

15 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - Transport Museum: A long distance bus (or coach) in the collection of the Minsk Transport Museum, which has a number of buses and trolleybuses, a couple of trams and a lot more indoor displays, including motorcycles and artefacts recording the hisory of transport in Minsk. I`m not sure how you can visit, but I`m sure that a telephone call to the headquarters of the transport operator will get you in.

МАЗ-103Т #4444

15 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - Transport Museum: A set of photographs showing the vehicles displayed at the new museum recently opened by the Minsk bus and tram operator. I don`t know if this place is yet open to the general public. I must also point out that I can`t translate the Cyrillic script and language from the informative labels on each vehicle and I have perhaps listed some under the wrong operator - sorry! I`m on safer ground with this one, though - an MA3-103T trolleybus built by the local Belkommunmash factory in 1999 and only quite recently withdrawn from operational service.

РВЗ-6М2 #432

14 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - transport museum: This PB3/RVZ Type tram #432 has found its way into the Minsk museum and has been nicely restored.

Tatra T6B5SU #001

14 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - transport museum: The large bus and tram operator in the capital city of Belarus has recently established a museum to display several of their more interesting and significant vehicles, including this Tatra T6BSU #001, which was the first of this type to come here in 1983 and ran in service until 1996. Although it has been very nicely restored, outdoor storage won`t keep it looking smart for very long in the harsh Belarussian winter.

ЛМ-49 #235

9 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - tramway depot: This sign is displayed on the side of the PB3-Type tram which is plinthed at the entrance to the depot. The tram must be special in some way, but my complete lack of Russian language and Cyrillic script prevents me from reading it - perhaps one of our colleagues can oblige? Apologies if it just says "A present from Siberia".

Comments: 2

ЛМ-49 #235

9 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - tramway depot: This PB3-Type tram is displayed on a plinth at the entrance to the Minsk tramway depot, but I can`t find a fleet number on it. The city had quite a large number of these and this particular one must be significant - see my next photo.....

РШМв-1 #РШМв-001

10 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - tramway depot: This ex-passenger tram has been photographed once before, but strangely had a different fleet number - now it is quite clearly marked "PWMB-001".

Comments: 1

ГС-4 #С-9

10 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - tramway depot: The last of the three snow clearing vehicles in the Minsk Tramways fleet.

ГС-4 #C-7

10 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - tramway depot: Fleet number C-7 is set up as a snow broom to sweep snow from the tracks, but can quite easily be switched to ploughing deep drifts if required. Again, a bow current collector is used.

ГС-4 #C-8

10 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - tramway depot: One of three similar snow clearing machines at the Minsk depot. Note that all three have old-fashioned bow current collectors and not pantographs as used by the rest of the fleet. Is this deliberate, or have they never been replaced? Not many places still use these in service.

Comments: 1

Duewag GT8 #180

10 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - terminus of lines 1,5,6 and 11: This place obviously has a name, but to a non-Russian speaker such as me, this is the only way I can identify it. Here is the Minsk tramways museum car, a 1969 Duewag GT6 one of several which came from Karlsruhe in Germany when local first-generation cars were being replaced. It`s now looking rather rusty, however, and would benefit from a full restoration before it falls apart.

Comments: 2

Белкоммунмаш 60102 #060

10 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - tramway depot: One of the Belkommunmash vehicles bought by the Minsk city tramways in recent years - this is fleet #060 seen in the depot yard.

Белкоммунмаш 221 #2423

16 september 2018 - Mińsk, ul. Tołstoja.

МАЗ 105060 #022918

17 september 2018 - Mińsk, Partyzancki prospekt.

МАЗ 203065 #042579

16 september 2018 - Mińsk, ul. Majakowskiego.

МТБ-82Д #01

14 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - Transport Museum: The tram and bus operator in the Belarus city of Minsk has recently opened a new museum where all their historic vehicles are collected together. Here is their 1950s MTB-82, the oldest trolleybus in the fleet.

Белкоммунмаш 321 #0036

14 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - Belcommunmash factory: The Belarus factory is currently working on a large batch of trolleybuses for Odessa in Ukraine. Here is finished #36 in the works yard during final test - the factory has its own siding from the Minsk trolleybus network, which presumably allows them to take buses out on test.

Белкоммунмаш 43303А

14 september 2018 - Minsk. Belarus - Belcommunmash factory: A new battery bus undergoing final assembly for Elektratransport of Yerevan, Armenia. These buses are similar to trolleybuses, but store electricity by connecting to special overhead gantries at terminal stops, remaving the need for any conventional wires.

МАЗ 103062 #025364

17 september 2018 - Mińsk, Plac Zwycięstwa.

МАЗ 152062 #013901

18 september 2018 - Koniec drogi magistralnej M2. Autobus zaraz przekroczy bramki aby wjechać na teren portu lotniczego Mińsk. Linia300Э jest linią przyspieszoną, łączy główny dworzec kolejowy z lotniskiem, po drodze zatrzymuje się tylko na jednym przystanku na samej już wylotówce z Mińska. Czas przejazdu to około 45 minut, a koszt to 4 ruble białoruskie - ~6,90 zł.

Comments: 1

Белкоммунмаш 221 #3564

16 september 2018 - Mińsk, ul. Niemiga.

Белкоммунмаш 33300 #2617

17 september 2018 - Mińsk, Partyzancki prospekt.

Белкоммунмаш 802Е

14 september 2018 - Minsk, Belarus - Belcommunmash factory: I was allowed to visit the tram and trolleybus factory in central Minsk and photograph vehicles in the course of construction. Here is an 802E series tram, possibly for the Minsk network, during final assembly. There are also many trolleybuses of various types being built here for other systems in Russia and elsewhere.

Comments: 3

Белкоммунмаш 321 #4699

30 march 2017 - Мінск, вуліца Харкаўская. Тралейбус следуе ў 4 тралейбусны парк.

МАЗ 105065 #033821

23 april 2017 - Мінск, Д/С "Уручча-2".

Белкоммунмаш 321 #2744

2 june 2017 - Мінск, Д/С "Сярова"

Белкоммунмаш 213 #3423

26 may 2017 - Мінск, вуліца Максіма Багдановіча

МАЗ 103562 #012823

30 april 2017 - Мінская вобласць, Лагойскі раён, Аўтадарога Н8790

МАЗ 103564 #044570

7 may 2017 - Мінск, вуліца Славінскага

Белкоммунмаш 84300М #157

4 may 2017 - Мінск, Лагойскі тракт. Новая афарбоўка з 2016 года.

Белкоммунмаш 84300М #157

5 may 2017 - Мінск, Лагойскі тракт. Новая афарбоўка з 2016 года.

Comments: 2

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #5411

23 april 2017 - Мінск, Д/С "Уручча-2"

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #5409

23 april 2017 - Мінск, Д/С "Уручча-2"

МАЗ 103060 #037958

23 april 2017 - Мінск, вуліца Акадэміка Купрэвіча. Часовы маршрут у дні массавых наведванняў могілак.

МАЗ 105065 #013102

25 april 2017 - Мінск, Д/С "Карбышава". Часовы маршрут у дні массавых наведванняў могілак.

Белкоммунмаш 321 #2728

22 april 2017 - Мінск, Д/С "Сярова"

Белкоммунмаш 221 #2429

22 april 2017 - Мінск, Д/С "Сярова"

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #2169

16 april 2017 - Мінск, вуліца Асіповіцкая

Белкоммунмаш 321 #2205

16 april 2017 - Мінск, вуліца Асіповіцкая

МАЗ 103062 #038083

8 april 2017 - Мінск, вуліца Ваўпшасава

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #5357

8 april 2017 - Мінск, Тралейбусны парк №5

МАЗ 104021 #012040

24 may 2016 - Мінск, вуліца Валгаградская

МАЗ 203076 #012602

22 may 2016 - Мінская вобласць, Лагойскі раён, Аўтадарога Н8790

МАЗ 152062 #AB 1338-4

11 march 2017 - Мінск, Аўтавакзал "Усходні"

МАЗ 103062 #012191

26 december 2016 - Мінск, Д/С "Карастаянавай"

Белкоммунмаш 321 #5571

26 may 2016 - Мінск, вуліца Кнорына

Comments: 2

Белкоммунмаш 321 #5527

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, plac Zaporoski.

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #5440

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, plac Zaporoski.

МАЗ 105065 #033741

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, ulica Filimonowa.

МАЗ 105065 #033154

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, ulica Filimonowa.

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #5437

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, ulica Filimonowa.

Белкоммунмаш 321 #5481

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, ulica Filimonowa.

МАЗ 105065 #023001

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, prospekt Maszerowa. Przegubowy MAZ mija główną bramę Parku Zwycięstwa.

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #4531

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, ul. Prytyckiego.

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #4557

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, ulica Timoszenki.

Белкоммунмаш 32102 #4535

19 october 2016 - Mińsk, ulica Timoszenki.

МАЗ 103065 #025232

18 october 2016 - Mińsk, ulica Kujbyszewa.

Белкоммунмаш 60102 #087

18 october 2016 - Mińsk, ulica Jakuba Kolasa.



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