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Чавдар 11Г5 #P 7909 PC

19 august 2008 - Ruse, Druzhba 3, Dame Gruev Str.

ЗиУ-682В00 #54160

19 august 2008 - Ruse, Druzhba 3. A ZiU is just departing from the terminus in Druzhba 3 residential complex to the centre of the city.

ЗиУ-682В00 #54045

19 august 2008 - Ruse, Druzhba 3, Dame Gruev Str.

MAN NL202 #P 6946 PM

18 august 2008 - Ruse, Lipnik Blvd. An ex-BVG bus.

Isuzu Urban 50 #CA 1938 BC

18 august 2008 - Ruse, Lipnik Blvd.

Škoda 14Tr06 #54610

17 august 2008 - Ruse, Oborishte Sqr.

Comments: 1

Ikarus 260.02 #P 5049 AX

17 august 2008 - Ruse, Oborishte Sqr.

FBW Tr51 / Waggonbau Graaff #54600

17 august 2008 - Ruse, Oborishte Sqr.

Comments: 1

ЗиУ-682В00 #54367

16 august 2008 - Ruse, Nikolaevska Str.

Ikarus 256 #P 5280 PP

15 august 2008 - Ruse, the central bus station.

ЗиУ-682В #54529

14 august 2008 - Ruse, Pliska Str.

Mercedes-Benz O405 #53221

14 august 2008 - Ruse, terminus at the House of culture.

Ikarus 260.02 #P 5049 AX

14 august 2008 - Ruse. Relicts in front of the House of culture.

Comments: 2

ЗиУ-682В00 #54207

14 august 2008 - Ruse, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.

Ikarus 256.51 #P 8958 PB

14 august 2008 - Ruse, Oborishte Sqr. A German Ikarus.

Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz O405 #53210

13 august 2008 - Ruse, Gen. Skobelev Blvd.

Comments: 3

Škoda 14Tr06 #54610

13 august 2008 - Ruse. Jeden malovaný džbánek a paní Vondráčková (za volantem) :)

Comments: 2

Isuzu Urban 50 #P 9492 PM

13 august 2008 - Ruse, Oborishte Sqr.

FBW GTr51 / SWS / Ramseier & Jenzer #54863

13 august 2008 - Ruse, Oborishte Sqr.

Comments: 3

Karosa LC735 #P 5006 AX

13 august 2008 - Ruse, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.

Comments: 1

ЗиУ-682В00 #54067

13 august 2008 - Ruse, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd. / Hristo Botev Blvd.

FBW APG / SWP #54760

13 august 2008 - Ruse, Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd.

ЗиУ-682В #54518

26 june 2008 - Ruse, przerwa na tankowanie samochodu w drodze powrotnej zaowocowała paroma fotkami :).

Чавдар 11Г5 #P 7907 PC

30 august 2007 - Ruse, Borisova str. The back of the new Chavdar's body.

FBW Tr51 / Waggonbau Graaff #54575

26 august 2007 - Ruse, Nikolaevska str.

FBW Tr51 / Waggonbau Graaff #54575

26 august 2007 - Ruse, Nikolaevska str. Maybe the oldest public vehicle for everyday use in Bulgaria :)

MAN NL202 #P 4071 PX

28 august 2007 - Ruse, Lipnik boul. An ex-NIAG Moers bus.

Neoplan N4016 #P 5760 PX

26 august 2007 - Ruse, Saedinenie boul.

Ikarus 256 #P 8900 АХ

24 august 2007 - Ruse, Saedinenie boul.

Ikarus 260.02 #P 5054 AX

24 august 2007 - Ruse, the Youth's Park.

Comments: 1

BMC Probus 215 SCB #CA 9616 BC

23 august 2007 - Ruse, Oborishte sqr.

ЗиУ-682В #54159

23 august 2007 - Ruse, Oborishte sqr.

Чавдар 11Г5 #P 6918 PC

30 august 2007 - Ruse, pl. 19-ti fevruari. This is the latest interpretation of Škoda 706 RTO :)

Comments: 2

ЗиУ 682В #54137

30 august 2007 - Ruse, pl. 19-ti fevruari. A ZiU and another Swiss trolleybus from Wintertur in front of it.

FBW GTr51 / SWS / Ramseier & Jenzer #54841

30 august 2007 - Ruse, pl. 19-ti fevruari. A 46 year-old trolleybus from Bern.

FBW APG / SWP #54760

30 august 2007 - Ruse, bul. Gen. M. D. Skobelev.

Comments: 4

ЗиУ-682В00 #54126

30 august 2007 - Ruse, bul Gen. M. D. Skobelev. A sunny ZiU.

Ikarus 256.51 #P 4925 PP

28 august 2007 - Ruse, bul. Lipnik. Another photo of the bus. You can "enjoy" the Bulgarian tuning :)

Comments: 2

Ikarus 256.51 #P 4925 PP

28 august 2007 - Ruse, bul. Lipnik. An abandoned bus. It has been used for transportation of the workers in a textile factory.

Comments: 3

Ikarus 256.54 #P 2964 AX

27 august 2007 - Ruse, the central bus station. A rebuilt Ikarus with air conditioning and panoramic windows. Next to it - its Bulgarian equivalent Чавдар 11М4.

Ikarus 256.51 #P 0991 PA

27 august 2007 - Ruse, the central bus station.

Ikarus 256.51 #P 0907 PC

27 august 2007 - Ruse, the central bus station.

Comments: 1

Ikarus 260.02 #P 5049 AX

26 august 2007 - Ruse, the terminus at the Home of culture. Another East-German Ikarus.

Ikarus 280.02 #P 8029 PP

26 august 2007 - Ruse, the terminus at the Home of culture, at the entrance of the Mladezhki park. The 60 kmph plate from its BVB times is still preserved.

FBW APG / SWP #54782

26 august 2007 - Ruse, ul. Nikolaevska x ul. Saint Ouan. I'm not sure whether this is the model.

Ikarus 256.54 #Р 0926 РР

26 august 2007 - Ruse, the central bus station. A very good looking Ikarus is entering the bus parking lot.

Comments: 2

Ikarus 250.59 #P 2965 AX

26 august 2007 - Ruse, the central bus station

Ikarus 250.59 #P 2965 AX

26 august 2007 - Ruse, the central bus station.

ЗиУ 682В #54241

26 august 2007 - Ruse, bul. Car Osvoboditel x bul. Hristo Botev.

Comments: 2

Ikarus 256 #P 8900 АХ

24 august 2007 - Ruse, bul. Saedinenie. I've never seen before Ikarus 256 with a rear door that consists of two parts.

Isuzu Urban 50 #CA 1935 BC

24 august 2007 - Ruse (Bulgaria), ul. Dorostol. One of the most popular bus types in Ruse. I don't know why they have registration numbers from Sofia.

Ikarus 280.02 #P 8029 PP

24 august 2007 - Ruse (Bulgaria), the entrance of the Mladezhki park. Terminus of bus lines 6, 10 and 16. The last articulated bus (Ikarus 280.02) to remain in the city. It was delivered in the '90s from Berlin.

Comments: 2

Чавдар 11Г5 #Р 2737 АХ

23 august 2007 - Ruse (Bulgaria), bul. Car Osvoboditel.



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