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Ikarus 280.17 #BAJ-063

30 march 2010 - BAJ-063 in Tatabánya, when it's coming out of the Bus Station.

Ikarus 280.06 #AFF-255

30 march 2010 - AFF-255 in Tatabánya, at Mozdony Street.

Kravtex Credo BN18 #KZX-525

7 april 2010 - KZX-525 just leaves Révai Street destination and goes to Marcalváros destination.

Ikarus 412.30A #HSX-396

7 april 2010 - HSX-396 in Győr, at the begining of Révai Street.

Ikarus 415.24C #FHG-769

7 april 2010 - FHG-769 in Győr, at Révai Miklós Street.

Rába Premier 091 #GNW-097

7 april 2010 - GNW-097 in Győr, at the beging of Révai Street.

Volvo 7700A #LLF-518

13 march 2010 - Inside of LLF-518.

Volvo 7700A #LLF-518

13 march 2010 - LLF-518 in Újpest, at Városkapu Station.

Volvo 7700A #LLF-515

13 march 2010 - LLF-515 at Újpest, Városkapu destination.

Volvo 7700A #LLF-515

13 march 2010 - LLF-515 in Újpest, at Városkapu Station.

Volvo 7700A #LLF-513

13 march 2010 - LLF-513 in Újpest, at Városkapu Station.

Volvo 7700A #KXH-589

13 march 2010 - KXH-589 at Újpest, Városkapu Station.

Volvo 7700A #KPK-287

13 march 2010 - The Volvo buses of Volánbusz, at Árpád bridge destination.

Comments: 2

Neoplan N4020 #JYL-013

13 march 2010 - JYL-013 in Csepel, at Szent Imre Square.

Scania L94UB / NABI 700SE #JDY-843

13 march 2010 - JDY-843 at the Volánbusz Station, at Árpád bridge.

Rába Contact 292 #HDA-231

13 march 2010 - HDA-321 at the Volánbusz Station, at Árpád bridge.

Ikarus EAG E94.60 #GSZ-353

13 march 2010 - GSZ-353 at the Volánbusz Station, at Árpád bridge.

Ikarus 256.50 #DZA-298

13 march 2010 - DZA-298 at Etele Square.

Comments: 1

Ikarus 256.50 #DZA-298

13 march 2010 - DZA-298 at Etele Square.

Ikarus 350.08 #DUD-484

13 march 2010 - A teaching service bus of Volánbusz, at Etele Square.

Comments: 1

Ikarus EAG E95.12 #GBG-569

30 march 2010 - GBG-569 in Komárom, at the crossing of number 1 and number 13 roads.

Ikarus 412.30A #BPI-042

13 march 2010 - BPI-042 after its rebuilting at Székesfehérvár in 2009.

Author: A_90 RSS

Van Hool AG300 #LOV-868

13 march 2010 - LOV-868 in the night at Boráros Square.

Author: A_90 RSS

Van Hool AG300 #LOV-872

13 march 2010 - LOV-872 at Határ Street destination of number 66 bus.

Author: A_90 RSS

Van Hool AG300 #LOV-868

13 march 2010 - LOV-868 in Budapest, at Boráros Square.

Author: A_90 RSS

Van Hool AG300 #LOV-861

13 march 2010 - LOV-861 at Kőbánya-Kispest destination.

Author: A_90 RSS

Van Hool AG300 #LOV-860

13 march 2010 - LOV-860 at the destination Kőbánya-Kispest.

Author: A_90 RSS

Van Hool AG300 #LOV-855

13 march 2010 - LOV-855 at the 525th Square, at the destination of number 68 bus.

Author: A_90 RSS

Ikarus Agora 18M #IIG-954

13 march 2010 - The unique Agora bus of BKV Zrt; in the crossing of Határ Street and Nagykőrösi Street.

Author: A_90 RSS

Ikarus 280.49 #BPO-432

13 march 2010 - BPO-432 at Etele square. Nowadays not too much bus keeps its "7-173 GYORS" sing, but BPO-432 still wear it.

Author: A_90 RSS

Comments: 1

Ikarus 412.30A #BPI-030

13 march 2010 - BPI-030 at Örs Vezér Square, in front of the type 200 Ikarus buses.

Author: A_90 RSS

Ikarus EAG E94.53 #JDY-883

30 march 2010 - The 500th EAG E94 bus in Komárom, at Klapka György Street.

Ikarus 256.50 #AEU-775

30 march 2010 - AEU-775 in Tatabánya, in the end of a bus garage. This bus probably wasted now.

Ikarus 256.50E #FKC-236

30 march 2010 - FKC-236 in Komárom. In the roundabout at the crossing of Klapka György Street, Igmándi Street and Mártírok Street.

Comments: 4

Ikarus 250.59 #BSK-328

30 march 2010 - BSK-328 in Komárom, at Szent László Street.

Volvo 7000A #LGP-881

28 march 2010 - LGP-881 in Dunaújváros, at Aranyvölgyi Street. Since 1st os March there's the line number 29. That's why the system can't write it.

Kravtex Credo BN12 #LKN-117

20 september 2009 - LKN-117 in Győr, on Baross Gábor bridge.

Kravtex Credo BN12 #KVU-108

12 october 2009 - KVU-108 in Győr, at Marcalváros destination.

Kravtex Credo BN12 #KVU-102

20 september 2009 - KVU-102 in Győr, on Baross Gábor bridge. My 400th uploaded picture on phototrans.

Rába Premier 291 #KCM-440

22 march 2010 - KCM-440 in győr, at Mónus Illés Street.

Ikarus 417.14 #KCM-439

22 march 2010 - KCM-439 in Győr, at Révai Miklós Street. In the background there's another Ikarus 417 type bus, called HFZ-996.

Ikarus 280.06 #JGB-791

18 march 2010 - JGB-791 next to CCZ-430 in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

Credo BC11 #IXM-691

20 april 2010 - IXM-691 in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

NABI Excel #IKE-118

24 february 2010 - IKE-118 in Győr, at Révai Miklós Street.

Ikarus 412.30A #IDZ-512

18 march 2010 - IDZ-512 in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

Rába Premier 091 #HUB-047

20 september 2009 - HUB-047 in Győr, on Baross Gábor Bridge.

Ikarus 417.14 #HFZ-996

22 march 2010 - HFZ-996 in Győr, at Révai Miklós Street.

Comments: 5

Rába Premier 291 #HFZ-100

18 march 2010 - HFZ-100 in Győr, at Mécs László Street. This bus is the 100th bus type Rába.

Ikarus EAG E94.60 #GSA-483

18 march 2010 - GSA-483 in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

Rába Premier 291 #GNW-108

18 march 2010 - GNW-108 in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

Ikarus EAG E94.60 #GFA-816

18 march 2010 - GFA-816 in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

Ikarus 280.52 #AFF-655

16 march 2010 - AFF-655 in Győr, at Révai Miklós Street.

Rába Premier 291 #KCM-445

22 march 2010 - KCM-445 on it's first workday in Győr, at Mónus Illés Street.

Ikarus 280.33 #CCP-293

22 march 2010 - CCP-293 in Győr, at Mónus Illés Street.

Ikarus 412.02C #GAT-377

18 march 2010 - Inside of GAT-377.

Ikarus 412.02C #GAT-377

18 march 2010 - GAT-377 in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

Setra S315 NF #LOD-793

18 march 2010 - The bus of Duna Center, in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

Ikarus 280.17 #AFF-691

18 march 2010 - AFF-691 in Győr, at Mécs László Street.

Rába Premier 091 #HUB-046

20 september 2009 - HUB-046 in Győr, at Baross Gábor bridge. This is a historical picture because since 2010.Jan.04-től there're no buses to the Adyvárosi tó.

Rába Premier 091 #HUB-044

16 march 2010 - HUB-044 in Győr, at Mécs László Street. In the background there's EVL-423 coming towards.



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