Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive

GMPTE (GMPTE) Manchester ()

List Of Vehicles

No. Registration Plate Name Built Year Of Get Year Of Remove Scrapped Modernization Still Owned? Previous Owner
586HTF 586Bedford OB194719741986NoNoSELNEC ManchesterLink
57HEK 705Leyland Titan PD2 / Massey196119741980NoNoWCT WiganLink
4001TRJ 112Daimler CVG6 / Metro-Cammell H37/28R196219741977NoNoSELNEC ManchesterLink
37063706 VMLeyland Titan PD2196419741981NoNoSELNEC ManchesterLink
1001HVM 901FLeyland Atlantean / Park Royal19681974?NoNoSELNEC ManchesterLink
2236RNA 236JDaimler Fleetline / Park Royal19711974?NoNoSELNEC ManchesterLink
6809TWH 809KLeyland Atlantean / East Lancs197119741985NoNoSELNEC ManchesterLink
EX30TXJ 507KLeyland National19721974?NoNoSELNEC ManchesterLink
7001VNB 101LLeyland Atlantean / Park Royal19721974?NoNoSELNEC ManchesterLink
1722XVU 352MSeddon Pennine 4-236197419741986NoNoLink
EX62GNC 276NSeddon Pennine 4-236 Lucas battery-electric19751975?NoNoLink
8019XBU 19SFleetline FE30AGR197819781989NoNoLink
5001GBU 1VMCW Metrobus MkI197919791986NoNoGMMT ManchesterLink
3111B111 SJALeyland Olympian / Northern Counties1985198519862007NoNoLink
Number: No. of vehicles:

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