Biuro Turystyczne Sano Trans

Sano Trans (Sano Trans) Nisko ()

List Of Vehicles

No. Registration Plate Name Built Year Of Get Year Of Remove Scrapped Modernization Still Owned? Previous Owner
CBY 8550FVolkswagen Crafter (2006)201120112019NoNoAuto-CUBY GościcinoLink
WWY 47040Mercedes-Benz 519 CDI201220122016NoNoAuto-CUBY GościcinoLink
BI 6245WMercedes-Benz 519 CDI / SprintCar MB Sprinter201320132016NoNoLink
RZ 1504KMercedes-Benz 516 CDI201420142015NoNoLink
RNI 29NEVolkswagen Crafter2011?NoNoLink
Number: No. of vehicles:

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