Vintage Electric Streetcar Company

VESC (VESC) Windbear ()

List Of Vehicles

No. Registration Plate Name Built Year Of Get Year Of Remove Scrapped Modernization Still Owned? Previous Owner
20St. Louis Interurban car19491986NoYesSEPTA PhiladelphiaLink
4610PCC195119952000NoNoTTC TorontoLink
4617PCC195119952000NoNoTTC TorontoLink
4616PCC195119952000NoNoTTC TorontoLink
4524PCC1951?NoYesTTC TorontoLink
4609PCC195119952000NoNoTTC TorontoLink
4606PCC195119952000NoNoTTC TorontoLink
4615PCC195119952000NoNoTTC TorontoLink
Number: No. of vehicles:

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