Autobussen Van Mullem NV

Van Mullem (Van Mullem) Beveren ()

List Of Vehicles

No. Registration Plate Name Built Year Of Get Year Of Remove Scrapped Modernization Still Owned? Previous Owner
268105588.P.9DAF TB160 DF470 / Jonckheere1972198119881988NoNoVBM LommelLink
88DKL 8HL8EOS 90199419962005NoNoGebo NieuwleusenLink
76LUB 5766EEOS 90199519952009NoNoLink
C 308 BA 180EOS 200199620002009NoNoBecker Reisen BeckingenLink
LON-394EOS 200199619962009?NoNoLink
94СЕ 9443 ВАEOS 200199919992015NoNoLink
Number: No. of vehicles:

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