Bartons Transport

Bartons (Bartons) Maynooth / Maigh Nuad ()

List Of Vehicles

No. Registration Plate Name Built Year Of Get Year Of Remove Scrapped Modernization Still Owned? Previous Owner
99-KE-5532DAF SB3000 / Plaxton Premiere 35019991999?NoNoLink
00-D-70006Volvo B7TL / Alexander ALX4002000?NoYesLink
00-D-70004Volvo B7TL / Alexander ALX4002000?NoYesLink
00-D-70005Volvo B7TL / Alexander ALX4002000?NoYesLink
161-KE-1448MAN CO 19.360 / Beulas Cygnus 12M20162016NoYesLink
161-KE-1469Iveco Daily 70C17 / Noone Turas20162016NoYesLink
161-KE-1445MAN CO 19.360 / Beulas Cygnus 12M20162016NoYesLink
161-KE-4338MAN CO 19.360 / Beulas Cygnus 12M20162016NoYesLink
161-KE-4330MAN CO 19.360 / Beulas Cygnus 12M20162016NoYesLink
161-KE-1889MAN CO 19.360 / Beulas Cygnus 12M20162016NoYesLink
Number: No. of vehicles:

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