Leoncino Viaggi di A. Leoncino & c. S. N. C.

Leoncino Viaggi (Leoncino Viaggi) Casoria ()

List Of Vehicles

No. Registration Plate Name Built Year Of Get Year Of Remove Scrapped Modernization Still Owned? Previous Owner
EY 962 WBIrisbus EuroRider 397E.12.43 / Orlandi Domino 2001 HDH200520052015NoNoLink
GH 545 ZZSetra S412 UL20082022NoYesPostAuto ChurLink
GH 544 ZZSetra S412 UL20082022NoYesAuto AltdorfLink
ER 077 WPSetra S415 HDHNoYesLink
Number: No. of vehicles:

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