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Leyland Titan PD2 RTW #RTW185
Author: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2018-07-16 16:02:14
Width: 1400, Height: 932
File size: 352.56kB
13 april 2014 - Cobham, UK - Brooklands: This RTW-type bus was a sub-type of the standard RT, being built to a width of 8 feet instead of the standard 7ft 6ins width - difficult to spot in practice except inside, where the extra width is more noticeable along the aisles between the seats. These buses were introduced after a long battle with the London police and traffic managers, who feared danger to the public and congestion on the roads if they were allowed to go anywhere - so they were restricted in the first instance to wider, straighter roads. In actual fact, Armageddon never happened and today we allow much larger vehicles to drive almost anywhere.
en gt


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