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MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #519

17 february 2014 - Sintra, Avenida Doutor Miguel Bombarda.

Author: soundlovers RSS
Place: Sintra (Lisboa) | Owner: ScottURB Cascais | Route: 417

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #528

7 february 2010 - Cascais (Portugalia), Largo da Estacao. Wyrób lionsopodobny zbudowany na podwoziu MAN przez miejscową firemkę "Bracia Mota i Spółka".

Comments: 2

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #526

17 july 2010 - Cascais (PT), Avenida da Republica. On the way to the city center...

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #528

25 july 2010 - Cascais (PT), Avenida Rei Humberto II de Italia. MAN is entering the city centre; on it's left - the local Cidadella.

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #528

17 july 2010 - Cascais (PT), Avenida da Republica. MAN is rolling towards city centre. In the background - a little stripe of Europe and... Well, America. ;)

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #528

19 july 2010 - Cascais [Cashcaeesh], Portugal, roundabout in front of the railway station. However this MAN wears BusCas liberies, it belongs to ScottURB - such buses run on a line from railway station to Guia in the western part of the city. Tickets can be bought only onboard. The place where #528 was photographed is one of the busiest in the city - sometimes it is even difficult for the bus to stop near the bus stop...

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #523

12 march 2008 - Scotturb #523 seen at the most narowest part of Sintra Vila...

Comments: 2

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #520

28 december 2008 - Scotturb #520 at Praia do Magoito. Theese type of photo is only possible due to bad weather. It scares the cars from the parking lot and we can drove the bus there as we want... :P

Comments: 6

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #524

2008 - MAN 12.240 chassis under Irmãos Mota Midi Atomic UR 2007 body. This model is very inspired by the MAN's Lions City model. Seen here arriving to it's final destination at Chão de Meninos (a Sintra suburb) at the main square. The route is 433 - Sintraline. In the past this route was done by 2 Mercedes O520, very unapropiated for this route, wicg requires power and a lot of traction. Things absent on the O520... :P

Comments: 2

MAN 12.240 HOCL-NL / Irmãos Mota Atomic Midi UR2007 #669

2 may 2008 - This midi of MAN is white because it can be used in the VIMECA (county of Oeiras), which has red and in the LT (serves the counties of Amadora, Sintra and Cacém) with the color blue as it has the flags of the two target companies. The braking system of these cars is very bad.

Comments: 3



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