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AEC Routemaster / Park Royal #12

17 august 2012 - Edinburgh, Canongate. Znany z londyńskich piętrusów otwarty tylny pomost zabudowano dwu- lub czteroskrzydłowymi drzwiami.
Zdjęcie autorstwa mojego brata.

AEC Routemaster/Park Royal #RCL2233

8 december 2012 - London, Regent Street. Dużo przejazdów specjalnych się tędy przewijało, jako tako udało mi się tylko tego złapać. Przy okazji, pojazd jest dodany dwa razy, oto klon: http://open.phototrans.net/15,214482,3286.html

Comments: 2

AEC Routemaster #RCL2233

11 april 2010 - Wisley Airfield, Cobham Bus Rally 2011. David took one photo of this beauty in 2009, but I'll throw in another. The country version of the Routemaster, with the double headlights, is IMHO the prettiest one. The Wright Gemini bodywork of the 1st generation seems to take inspiration from this a little.

AEC Routemaster/Park Royal #RCL2233

1 may 2011 - Redhill, Surrey (GB) – Brighton Road. The RCL Class were special Routemasters for Green Line coach services round London. These had better seats, heaters and platform doors and wore this special Green Line livery. They were eventually beaten by increasing traffic, which made timetables impossible to keep, and the rise in personal car ownership. When I was young, most people used the Green Line or train for long journeys, as there was no practical alternative.

AEC Routemaster/Park Royal #RCL2233

3 may 2009 - Redhill (UK) – Brighton Road - HCVS Rally. Later batches of Routemaster were all built as 30 feet long vehicles and were classed as ‘RML’. This is the Green Line coach version, classed as ‘RCL’ or ‘Routemaster Coach Long’. These were luxurious vehicles with platform doors, heaters and coach seating and operated on express services through central London.

AEC Routemaster/Park Royal #RCL2233

5 april 2009 - Cobham (UK). Another ‘long’ Routemaster, but this time a Green Line variant. These had luxurious coach-type seats, heaters and platforms doors, plus the distinctive two-tone Green Line colour scheme. They also had a different gear ratio, so they went faster.

AEC Routemaster #RCL2233

2009 - Cobham (UK). Routemaster Heaven! The annual London Bus Preservation Trust rally took place earlier today. This is just a small part (over 300 vehicles were on display) – Routemasters as far as you can see - amazing. RCL2233, nearest the camera, is a Green Line coach version, fitted with platform doors and coach seats for long cross-London journeys. I’ll post some more detailed pictures over the next few days.

Comments: 5

AEC Routemaster / Park Royal #11

4 august 2007 - Edinburgh, Holyrood Park. Z pokładu piętrusa są fajne widoczki, z tamtego pagórka w tle jeszcze fajniejsze. O górce Arthur’s Seat (na lewo od kadru) już nie wspomnę.

Comments: 14

AEC Routemaster / Park Royal #RCL2220

5 july 2007 - London, Stratford. Na zametrze pojawiło się tego dnia kilka ciekawych wozów, m.in. ten oto Routemaster.

Comments: 2

AEC Routemaster / Park Royal #12

1 july 2007 - Edinburgh, Lawnmarket.



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