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Bedford J2/Plaxton Embassy #MUR 200 H

1 may 2011 - Redhill, Surrey (GB) – Brighton Road. A cosy little 16-seater mini-coach built by Bedford with a stylish Plaxton body. These were effectively the replacement for the popular Bedford OB series and the equivalent of a minibus of today.

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Bedford J2/Plaxton Embassy #KNK 373H

21 april 2007 - Scarborough, fabryka Plaxtona. Szkoda że prywaciarze w Polsce nie mają na swoich liniach takich ciekawych minibusów :) Ale tak stare to pewnie niektórzy mają.


21 april 2007 - Scarborough, factory. The ash framework of a partially restored 1967 Embassy-bodied J2SZ10 was displayed among the modern steel-framed coaches on the 2007 production line as an example of Plaxton craftsmanship of 40 years ago (buses).

Bedford J/Plaxton

2006 - New Forest.

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