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Optare Solo M850 #2681

10 august 2009 - Lyndhurst, Hampshire (UK) – High Street. These little 30-seat buses are quite popular for use on rural lines throughout the UK. This one is seen passing through the attractive town of Lyndhurst in the New Forest with a Southampton service.

Volvo B7TL / East Lancs Myllennium Vyking #409

10 august 2009 - Lyndhurst, Hampshire (UK) – car park. A TWB debut for Solent Blue Line, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wilts and Dorset (which is itself part of the Go Ahead Group), but which trades separately. These New Forest Tour buses are convertible open-top. Note the typical British summer weather, with the passengers huddled together behind the rain shield, trying to keep warm and dry!



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