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Stadin ammattiopisto

Operators Details

NameStadin ammattiopisto
Operators AttributesDrivers School

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List Of Vehicles

Current fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
SNM-251 Scania LK250UB 4x2 LB OmniExpress 3.20 LEScaniaScania OmniExpress 3.20 LEScania K UB 4x2 LBScania DC09 111 2502015-No Photo1/1
JHK-531 Scania LK340IB 4x2 NB OmniExpress 3.40ScaniaScania OmniExpress 3.40Scania K IB 4x2 NBScania DC12 10 3402013-No Photo1/1
GNR-811-GNR-812 Scania CK280UB 4x2 LB CNG Citywide LE SuburbanScaniaScania Citywide LE SuburbanScania K UB 4x2 LBScania OC09 101 2802019-No Photo2/2
XSA-152 Scania CLF C 248E B4x2EI BEVScaniaScania Citywide LF NBAScania C EB 4x2 EIScania MG 4115-1 0012023-No Photo1/1

Historic Fleet