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K/S Vendbus

Operators Details

NameK/S Vendbus
Operators AttributesRegular Bus Operator

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List Of Vehicles

Current fleet

Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
2742 Volvo B10BLE-60 / Säffle 2000NLAabenraaSäffle 2000NLVolvo B10BLE 4x2 (R4)20062007No Photo0/1
4035 Volvo B10BLE-60 / Aabenraa M93AabenraaAabenraa M93Volvo B10BLE 4x2 (R4)20062011No Photo0/1
68 Volvo B10M-60 / Aabenraa M89AabenraaAabenraa M89Volvo B10M 4x2 (1M)20062011No Photo0/1
8042 DAB 12-1200BDABDAB Serie 1220062011No Photo0/1
2771 Scania CL94UB 4x2 LBScaniaScania OmniLink (4-series)Scania L94UBScania DC9 01 230ZF 5HP502C20062011No Photo0/1
4073 Scania IL94IB 4x2 NB 300DABScania OmniLine (4-series)Scania L94IBScania DC9 03 300ZF 5HP602C20062011No Photo0/1
2775-8255 MAN EL283MANMAN Lion`s ClassicMAN ELxx3 (A78)20062011No Photo0/5
75,76 Volvo 8500 12,0mSäffleVolvo 8500Volvo B12M 4x2 (R9)Volvo DH12D340 (F8)20062011No Photo0/2
133 DAB 12-1200LDABDAB Serie 1220062011No Photo0/1