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Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

14 july 2014 - Nowy Sad, pętla przed dworcem kolejowym.

Comments: 1

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

3 may 2011 - Novi Sad, Railway station. Refreshed #800. Now it has a new paint job and a new LED display.

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

19 august 2010 - Nowy Sad, Bulwar Wyzwolenia. Pomóżcie z typami pojazdów, bo brakuje w bazie tych, co mam do dodania ;-)

Comments: 5

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

24 january 2009 - 800 slikan u Cerevicu prilikom pauze do polaska za Novi Sad

Comments: 3

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

july 2008 - 800 wake up and get out from garage heading to terminal to wait for it's next departure time.

Comments: 4

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

12 february 2003 - Interior of #800

Comments: 5

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

12 february 2003 - Conference seating in the back of #800

Comments: 2

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

12 february 2003 - The sign on the bus says: "Present from the Swedish company Volvo"

Comments: 1

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

12 february 2003 - The only Volvo B10B on Railway Station Terminal on the first day of exploitation.

Comments: 5

Volvo B10B / Neobus #800

12 february 2003 - The only Volvo B10B on Railway Station Terminal on the first day of exploitation.



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