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Scania LK320EB 4x2 NI OmniExpress 3.20 #77

3 may 2022 - Hämeenlinnanväylä, Vantaa

Scania LK 320 EB4x2NI OmniExpress 3.20 #124

20 december 2012 - Kviteseid. With this picture I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Comments: 10

Scania LK 320 EB4x2NI OmniExpress 3.20 #124

21 december 2011 - Seljord, Nordbygdi. Notice that the passengers can see what speed the bus is going. The driver only switched it on to let me see it. He didn't want to show it at other times. ;)

Scania LK 320 EB4x2NI OmniExpress 3.20 #124

21 december 2011 - Seljord, Telemark Bilruter garage.

Comments: 1

Scania LK 320 EB4x2NI OmniExpress 3.20 #124

21 december 2011 - Seljord, Telemark Bilruter garage.

Scania LK 320 EB4x2NI OmniExpress 3.20 #124

21 december 2011 - Kviteseid, bus station. With this photo I wish you all a Happy Christmas!

Comments: 4

Scania LK 320 EB4x2NI OmniExpress 3.20 #123

19 november 2011 - Fyresdal, Telemark Bilruter garage. The first three OmniExpress 320 in Norway have now been delivered to Telemark Bilruter.



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