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ГАЗ-A65R33 #К 205 ХВ 70

26 may 2022 - Strezhevoy, Stroiteley street.

Comments: 2

ГАЗ-A65R33 #К 205 ХВ 70

12 june 2020 - Strezhevoy, airport. There is the Strezhevoy airport terminal on the background, it was built in 1987. Although the airport itself was founded in middle of 1970-s.

ГАЗ-A65R33 #С 486 МО

7 july 2020 - Strezhevoy, Stroiteley street / Ermakova street. Strezhevoy is a small town (population is about 40.000 people), and the area of the city is quite compact. So city public transport here is small too.



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