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PCC 7000 #7067

october 1995 - Brüssel, Downtown

BN PCC 7000 #7055

7 october 2012 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – Tervuren, Ravenstein. A PCC, of course, from the original Brussels fleet of the 1950s and still in normal passenger operation until 2004, when it was converted as shown here. The trailer it draws is a rail scrubber #116. This PCC still works around the network on a regular basis.

BN PCC 7000 #7047

25 march 2012 - Brussel/Bruxelles (BE) – Avenue de Tervueren. The real thing – this is the latest, very fine restoration by the Bruxelles tramway museum workshops, who have recreated a 7000-series PCC in almost wholly original form – only the window winders aren’t exactly as built. Note the absence of a pantograph, as these weren’t fitted until later.

Comments: 1

BN PCC 7000 #7065

19 september 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – Rue de Doc. PCC 7065 rounds the tight corner leading from Rue G & J Martin on the Montgomery loop line. Because of complaints by residents, this track isn’t now used out of daytime hours.

BN PCC 7000 #7093

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. This PCC is reserved for the Woluwe museum and wears an unusual cream and brown 1960s livery.

Comments: 1

BN PCC 7000 #7043

7 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. This is one of the very few 1952-built PCC available for normal passenger service (all the others still running are from the later 71xx batch).

Comments: 1

BN PCC 7000 #7052

8 june 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Haren. A contrast between a first series Bruxelles PCC and the prototype articulated PCC #7500, which will presumably go to the STIB museum once its working days are over. The future is not so secure for the little PCC, which may be scrapped when no longer needed by the driving school. None of these first-series PCCs are now in normal passenger service.

Comments: 4

BN PCC 7000 #7055

26 march 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Cureghem. A view inside the STIB tramway works shows just how small the place is. PCC car 7055 is one of several now converted for use as works cars – in this case with a hydraulic platform that can swing out from a side door to load heavy equipment.

BN PCC 7000 #7008

27 march 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Cureghem. The STIB tramway workshops are in a narrow side street. Inside, the place is very cramped and there isn’t much room to work. Even the entrance is tiny and is a very tight squeeze, particularly as all trams have to enter backwards across a very busy street.

BN PCC 7000 #7008

27 march 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – Flagey. A new bus and tram interchange has been built here recently, complete with this remarkable glass roof.

BN PCC 7000 #7052

28 march 2009 - Bruxelles (BE) – zajezdnia/depot Haren. This brand new tram depot opens today. I was allowed to take pictures, provided they were not published until the opening, so this is probably the first photo from this place. The tram is also one of the very first to enter the building. Several of these first-series PCC trams have now been converted to works cars. Note that the inspection pits have strong nets, to stop workers (and tram fans) from falling in.

BN PCC 7000 #7047

20 april 2002 - Bruxelles, Belgium – depot and museum Woluwe. Tram 7047 from the first batch of Bruxelles PCC cars when still in original colour. Last week, it was stated that regular use of 7000-class trams will end this winter – your last chance to ride these classic and very historic PCCs if you can, the first in Europe and a big influence on the development of Konstal and Tatra PCCs. There are just a few left!

BN PCC 7000 #7045

september 2008 - Bruksela. Z podziemnego terminalu Montgomery startują dwie interesujące linie podmiejskie: 39 (do Ban Eik) i 44 (do Tervuren). Jeszcze w 2007 roku kursowały na nich wyłącznie czteroosiowe, jednostronne i jednokierunkowe wagony serii 7000. Obecnie coraz częściej pojawiają się przegubowce serii 7700. Widoczny na zdjęciu #7045 ma oryginalny - nieprzebudowany przód z wyżej umieszczonym, okrągłym reflektorem oraz małymi okrągłymi lampkami, także po bokach.

BN PCC 7000 #7068

12 august 1999 - Bruxelles, Tour du Midi. Line 56 barre. A nice little PCCs in original livery, working a peak hour duty. Nowadays, the few remaining 7000-series PCCs don’t normally work into the centre of the city.

BN PCC 7000 #7045

8 june 2001 - Ban Eik, podmiejska końcówka linii 39, jedynej obok 44 na której jeżdżą czteroosiówki.



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