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AEC Regent / Park Royal #35

2 august 2009 - Gosport, UK - Stokes Bay: The Gosport and Fareham company was a long-established bus operator in the Hampshire area, trading as `Provincial`. It was noteable for running several very old and interesting buses, including this AEC Regent 1 double deck with a Park Royal body, new to the company in 1936 as their #35. This was not taken out of use until 1967, when it was probably the last Regent 1 still in passenger service anywhere in the country.

Comments: 2

AEC Regent I/Park Royal #35

1 may 2011 - Redhill, Surrey (GB) – Brighton Road. The ‘Provincial’ fleet name was used by the Gosport and Fareham Omnibus Company, who ran a mixed fleet of interesting buses in the territory to the west of Southampton. Some of their buses were really old, like this 1936 AEC Regent, which was still being used alongside far newer low-floor, rear engine buses.

AEC Regent I/Park Royal #35

2 august 2009 - Stokes Bay, Gosport, Hampshire (UK). Hello - I'm just back from holiday with some new photos I hope you'll find interesting. First, a lovely AEC Regent from 1935, originally operated by the Gosport and Fareham company (who once ran trams in this district). A classic 1930s British double decker.

Comments: 3



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