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AEC Regent III / Park Royal #RT2083

13 april 2014 - United Kingdom, Byfleet: This impressive line-up of over twenty ex-London RT-type buses was arranged at one of the annual rallies of the London Bus Museum. The location is the finishing straight of the famous Brooklands motor racing circuit of the 1920s and 1930s. A debut appearance for the bus nearest the camera - RT2083.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Guildford (South East England) | Owner: LT London | Transport Authority: LT London

AEC Regent III / Park Royal #RT2775

22 june 2014 - London, Regent Street. Ten z kolei brał udział w jakimś rajdzie po Ameryce Północnej w 1952 roku promującym produkty brytyjskie i w ogóle zwiedzanie UK.

AEC Regent III/Park Royal #24

1 may 2011 - Redhill, Surrey (GB) – Brighton Road. Ipswich Corporation Transport only operated trolleybuses until 1956, when this was one of the first motor buses they bought. All their vehicles were quite old-fashioned in appearance.

AEC Regent III/Weymann #3

3 may 2009 - Redhill (UK) – Brighton Road. A very smart AEC Regent of Reading Corporation Transport (which has now become Reading Transport).



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