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DAF DM580 / Den Oudsten B95 #8019

13 august 2003 - Venlo, Busstation/NS.

Author: empiedytordriver RSS
Place: Venlo (Limburg) | Owner: Hermes Eindhoven | Transport Authority: Provincie Limburg | Route: 36

Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #1740

19 august 2003 - Venlo, Viecuri Ziekenhuis, endpoint of city line nr 1. On that day I went to Venlo from small Blitterswijck by bicycle. Also on bicycle I went around Venlo on routes of city buses 1, 2 and 6. Unfortunately, I didn`t have time for lines 3, 4 and 5 so I don`t remember where they go ;)

Author: empiedytordriver RSS
Place: Venlo (Limburg) | Owner: Hermes Eindhoven | Transport Authority: Provincie Limburg | Route: 36

Comments: 2

Berkhof Ambassador ALE-120 #1737

19 august 2003 - Venlo, Busstation/NS. Endpoint of line 36 (Venlo - Roermond). I guess that was his first day on line, because on that day for the first time I saw 4 buses of this type on lines 36 and 83.

Author: empiedytordriver RSS
Place: Venlo (Limburg) | Owner: Hermes Eindhoven | Transport Authority: Provincie Limburg | Route: 36

Comments: 1



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