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Pesa 120Nb #106

21 august 2015 - Segedyn, Boldogasszony sugárút. Swing przejeżdża przez Porta Heroum.

Author: wgtram RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Transport Authority: SZKT Szeged | Route: 2

Comments: 4

Pesa 120Nb #107

28 september 2014 - Szeged, Kossuth Lajos sugárút

Author: bgyp RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Transport Authority: SZKT Szeged | Route: 2

Pesa 120Nb #102

28 september 2014 - Szeged, Kossuth Lajos sugárút

Author: bgyp RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Transport Authority: SZKT Szeged | Route: 2

Pesa 102Nb Szeged #101

20 april 2015 - Szeged, Kalvaria sugarut: A Pesa car runs along one of the principal streets in this pleasant city, passing under an extensive set of wires put there to service the trams and also the Szeged trolleybuses, which cross here.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Transport Authority: SZKT Szeged | Route: 2

Comments: 1

Pesa 120Nb #106

20 april 2015 - Szeged, Europa Liget, Hungary: One of the (then) new Pesa cars at the turning circle at the end of Route 2, a new line opened just a few years ago. These modern,low-floor Pesa trams were bought to replace the last few "Bengali" trams that ran here for many years and to allow for system expansion.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Transport Authority: SZKT Szeged | Route: 2

Pesa 120Nb #108

15 october 2017 - Szeged, Rókusi körút.

Author: Robcio RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Transport Authority: SZKT Szeged | Route: 2

Pesa 120Nb #107

15 october 2017 - Szeged, Boldogasszony sugárút.

Author: Robcio RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Transport Authority: SZKT Szeged | Route: 2

Pesa 120Nb #106

19 july 2015 - Szeged, Boldogasszony sugárút (2). Pesiak zmierza powoli w stronę dworca kolejowego w Segedynie, który obecnie przypomina raczej punkt przerzutowy nielegalnych imigrantów niż miejsce odprawy podróżnych.

Author: Marcin Ciszewski RSS
Place: Szeged (Csongrád) | Owner: SzKT Szeged | Transport Authority: SZKT Szeged | Route: 2



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