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Jelcz PR110U #281

Jelcz PR110U #281

Built: 1982     Scrapped: 2011
Author: Jacek Pudło pledytorRSS (1)
Uploaded: 2010-12-08 21:33:48
Width: 900, Height: 600
File size: 211.23kB
3 july 2010 - Siedliska near Przemyśl. At the beginning of 1970s it was believed that a bus is the best solution for public transport. In 1971 Polish authorities searched for a model, which may replace obsolete Jelcz 272 MEX. A license from Berliet was bought. Berliet was to create 3-door, 12-meter long bus, using Polish parts. This is how Jelcz PR110U was designed. It had French, leight body, and Polish components like engine - licensed, vertical WSK Mielec SW680 of 185 HP, licensed ZF gearbox, licensed Westinghouse pneumatic installation and many others. The bus was very modern not also for a country from behind Iron Curtain but also for western countries. The floor level was low and whole construction - sophisticated. As it was revealed later - too sophisticated. The bus was not tested enough and had severe shortcomings. The body construction was weak and broke easily. Engine, as well as other parts, was of low quality and not really durable. After production began in 1975, the bus was made in large numbers, but soon had to be withdrawn because of being broken down or already being in need of being replaced. The production continued in 1980s in small numbers until 1992.
en gt


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