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South Wales Transport (1914-1998)

Operators Details

NameSouth Wales Transport (1914-1998)
Operators AttributesRegular Bus Operator
Other InformationSouth Wales Transport operated in Swansea and western Wales. They also operated trams in Swansea between 1914 and 1937.

On 1 January 1969, SWT became part of the National Bus Company. In May 1987, during the privatisation of the National Bus Company, South Wales Transport was sold to a management buy out. It became part of the Badgerline Group when it was resold in 1990. It was included in the 16 June 1995 merger of Badgerline with GRT Group to form FirstBus and became part of First Cymru in April 1998.

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Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
756 Leyland NationalLeylandLeyland National19751989No Photo0/1