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Forenede Rutebiler I/S

Operators Details

NameForenede Rutebiler I/S
ShortcutForenede Rutebiler
Operators AttributesRegular Bus Operator
Other InformationThe activites of Forenede Rutebiler were taken over in 1974 by Hovedstadsområdets Trafikselskab (HT). The HT took over the fleet and the garage premises at Columbusvej.

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Current fleet

Historic Fleet

Vehicle NumbersModel NameManufacturerBodyChassisEngineGearbox
Year Of GetYear Of RemovePhotos
Unknown ?DAB LIDRT 12/2DABDAB Serie IILeyland LIDRT 12/2Leyland EO.680Wilson Pneumocyclic semi automatic19671974No Photo0/2
Unknown ?DAB LIDRT 12/2DABDAB Serie IILeyland LIDRT 12/2Leyland EO.680Wilson Pneumocyclic semi automatic19721974No Photo0/7
Unknown ?DAB LIDRT 6857/2DABDAB Serie IIILeyland LIDRT 6857/2Leyland EO.680Wilson Pneumocyclic semi automatic19731974No Photo0/5