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Hitachi Nagasaki Denki Kidō 211 series #214


NameHitachi Nagasaki Denki Kidō 211 series
(Hitachi) Hitachi KBD-12/Hitachi Nagasaki 20x (2xNippon Sharyō SS-50 38kW/52HP ) 34-76 [2-0-2] (1951-1951)
Build Number
1951Nagaden 長崎市 [Nagasaki-shi]
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
1951214 / Nagaden 長崎市 [Nagasaki-shi]


11 february 2020 - Nagasaki (Nagasaki Pref.), Nakazonomachi (長崎県長崎市中園町), National Route 206, Akasako tram terminus. A brief reprieve from the Kantō area in the form of nearly the edge of the country - Nagasaki. To start this short series off, a rather peculiar terminus structure: a single bi-directional platform (which by the way is the longest in the network, at 53 metres), split into three sectors. As such, three different cars can terminate here simultaneously. However for the same reason cars depart from here in reverse order of their arrival - first to arrive, last to leave. The points splitting off to the double-track section are right at the end of the platform (behind the photographer). Akasako is also the western-most tram stop in Japan.
Author: TranslatorPS



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