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Osaka Sharyo 2601 #2637


NameOsaka Sharyo 2601
(Osaka Sharyo) /Osaka Sharyo 2601
Build Number
19571969Kōtsū-kyoku 大阪市 [Ōsaka-shi]
1969Hiroden 広島市 [Hiroshima-shi]
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
195719692637 / Kōtsū-kyoku 大阪市 [Ōsaka-shi]
1969912 / Hiroden 広島市 [Hiroshima-shi]


2 may 2015 - Hiroszima, Teramachi Dori. Linia 8 biegnie cały czas prosto z dworca Yokogawa do zajezdni Eba. W tym miejscu w bok odchodzą linie 2 i 3.
Author: straszny
Comments: 2

13 february 2019 - Hiroshima (Hiroshima Pref.), Naka-ku, Ebanishi 1-chōme (広島県広島市中区江波西1丁目). After two nights in Nagasaki I arrived in Hiroshima, taking four hours on the limited express by JR Kyūshu and on the shinkansen by JR West combined.
Perhaps I was just somehow mentally ready for it, but Hiroshima`s atomic bomb museum did not turn down my mood as much as the Nagasaki one did. Nevertheless, the still-standing memorial-ruin of the old Hiroshima Prefecutre Industrial Promotion Hall continues to remind of what took place nearly 75 years ago.
Worth noting that the previous photo of this car also found it on rte 8. I would not be surprised if it was marked in for the 8+7 interworked services (cars work in an Eba -8- Yokogawa -7- Hiroden-honsha-mae -7- Yokogawa -8- Eba pattern).

Author: TranslatorPS



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