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Leyland National #401


NameLeyland National
(Leyland) /Leyland National
VINNL116TL11/1R 0776
Build Number
19841996Provincial Fareham
19962003First Hampshire & Dorset Southampton
2003Private London
Registration Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Registration Plate
1984A301 KJT
Vehicle Numbers
Year Of Get Year Of Remove Vehicle Number
198419961 / Provincial Fareham
19962003401 / First Hampshire & Dorset Southampton
20031 / Private London
Other Information
Leyland National 2


2 august 2009 - Stokes Bay, Gosport, Hampshire (UK) – A ‘dual-purpose’ version of the National, intended for longer-distance trips, so the seats had higher backs and were just a tiny bit softer – that was about the only difference, as far as passengers were concerned . The attempt by Leyland to create a standard bus was not popular with many operators, who preferred new buses built to their own specification, so they began to buy from other manufacturers, and Leyland eventually went broke.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 4



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