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Vlaams Tram-en-Autobusmuseum/

CGTA 2-axle tram #200

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) – Groenenhoek museum. This tram was the prototype for the original Antwerpen electric tramways of 1901 and looks very similar to the Herbrand cars being built around the same time for some Polish systems. Amazingly, it ran in passenger service until 1941.
Author: dvigar

2 axle Metallurgique tram #216

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) – Groenenhoek museum. This Gent city car is another very unusual design – open-sided with only little curtains to keep out some of the rain. The people of Gent must have been very strong in those days. I guess it only came out to work in the summer time, though.
Author: dvigar

TEG-AMN 3-axle tram #328

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) – Groenenhoek museum. One of the unusual three-axle Gent city trams, here displayed with a four-wheeled trailer. In the background are just a few of the many buses kept in this excellent museum.
Author: dvigar

CGTA bogie tram #7386

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) - Draakstraat. A preserved Antwerpen city car in the city centre. Trams like this had seats only on the left side, with a huge space to the right for standing – I don’t know if they were designed like this, or if this was a later alteration. Anyway, just like ‘standee’ buses of today, but years earlier.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 7

CGTA ballast tram #8821

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) – Transport Museum, Groenenhoek. Another Antwerpen city works car - this one is a very unusual ballast tipper wagon, designed to carry track materials which could then be shovelled from the open sides directly to where they were needed. This one was specially designed and wasn’t a later conversion.
Author: dvigar

CGTA works tram #8826

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) – Transport Museum, Groenenhoek. More photos from this very interesting museum, which holds many buses and trams from the former Antwerp city systems and the SNCV/NMVB lines which ran here. This was a standard passenger tram #430 of CGT Anvers until the replacement PCC cars came along. It then became a works shunter.
Author: dvigar

SNCV/NMBS autorail tractor #ART 40

11 june 2009 - Antwerpen (BE) – Groenenhoek museum. A Vicinal ‘autorail-tracteur’ of 1933, built in the SNCV main workshops in Bruxelles. It ran as a passenger autorail until 1950, when it was converted as seen here. Unusually, it was fitted with conventional railway-style buffers for hauling freight wagons.
Author: dvigar



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