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Verkehrsbetriebe Oberschlesien AG/

LHB 1931 #102

1939 - Bytom – Bahnhofstrasse/Dworcowa. A luxurious Linke Hoffman Busch express tram or ‘Eilzug’, specially built by LHB in Wroclaw for the Line ‘E’ fast tram service between Gliwice and Bytom, introduced in 1931. The German part of what is now Tramwaje Slaskie was then known as Verkehrsbetriebe Oberschlesien AG (1931 until 1945). Here, #102 appears to be working a local route to Bytom railway station. Note the two pantographs on the wire – these were very powerful trams. Photo: P Boehm.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 7



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