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Verkehrsbetriebe Oberschlesien AG/

Hawa "Bremen" #303

1939 - Zabrze, summer of 1939. The vehicles nos. 301-322 of the Verkehrsbetriebe Oberschlesien AG were delivered in 1926-1930 by HAWA. 24 similar vehicles were delivered to the Polish operator in Katowice and were taken over by the Verkehrsbetriebe Oberschlesien AG in 1939 (nos. 341-364). Unknown photographer. Photo from my collection.
Author: HKN
Comments: 2

Hawa "Bremen" #306

? - Zabrze – Dworcowa. An undated photograph showing the old track layout in central Zabrze. Trams turned right here, towards the bridge over the railway lines that collapsed a few years later - the old tracks are still in the road here, just round the corner. Bremen cars 306 and 323 are passing.
Author: dvigar

Hawa "Bremen" #311

1939 - Gliwice – Wilhelmstrasse/ul. Zwyciestwa. Another Bremen car in Gliwice, this time on Line 4 heading for Hindenburg (Zabrze) – a route that has not really changed in many years.
Author: dvigar
Comments: 3

Hawa "Bremen" #320

1938 - Gliwice – ul. Zwyciestwa. A Bremen type car passes in front of what was then known as Haus Oberschlesien. Line 1 followed this track since the earliest days of Silesian tramways.
Author: dvigar



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