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Private Owner (preservation)/

Leyland Fleetline / ECW #MFA 703G

22 may 2016 - Stoke-on-Trent, Britannia Stadium parking.
Author: SebGre

Leyland Fleetline / ECW #MRJ 233 W

11 april 2000 - Surey, UK - Wisley: Southend-on-Sea is a large town on the east coast of England, with a famous pier over one mile long, served by a light railway running along it. Buses here were operated by a mixture of town council and the big Eastern National company. A Southend Corporation Daimler Fleetline is pictured here, which they bought as a dual-door bus in 1981 and later converted to a single door layout, as shown here, presumably to make it more suitable for single person operation.
Author: dvigar



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