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Nettbuss Drammen AS (2003-2012)/

Volvo 9700S 15,0m #25445

3 august 2010 - Kongsberg, Bøssemakerveien. Since March 1998 the buses on the TIMEkspressen line between Notodden and Oslo (line 1) have been going once every hour, every hour, all day and night long, all week long all of the year. This is quite unique in Norway, and first now are they talking about bus lines in central Oslo that will go all night long all week long.
Author: Øyvind Berg
7 february 2011 - Kongsberg, Nymoens torg.
Author: Øyvind Berg
17 march 2011 - Kongsberg, Numedalsveien.
Author: Øyvind Berg



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