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The City of Oxford Motor Services Ltd. t/a Oxford Bus Company/

Mercedes-Benz O530 #825

17 february 2007 - Oxford, Magdalen Street?
Author: kuszok
Comments: 1

Mercedes-Benz O530 #826

1 october 2013 - Oxford, Magdalen Street East
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Mercedes-Benz O530 #828

1 october 2013 - Oxford, St. Aldate's. Przystanek w cieniu Tom Tower. Akurat nic sie nie wciaskalo w kadr:)
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Mercedes-Benz O530 #829

1 october 2013 - Oxford, St. Aldate's. Podobnie naprzemiennie obslugiwana jest 9, o ile jednak 8 kursuje co 5-7 minut w szczycie, 9 ma takt pólgodzinny.
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Mercedes-Benz O530 #831

15 march 2010 - Oxford, Queen Street. On one hand the council in Oxford is very progressive when it comes to public transport. They built large P&R places, they made the operators reduce the number of buses in the city centre due to congestion, and they pedestrianised this bus-only street in the centre. On the other hand, they do not think about electric public transport at all - attaching the wires to the historic buildings or constructing poles in the narrow streets in the centre. And sadly - as the photo shows - when you have pedestrianised areas with buses the pedestrians always prefer to get into the shot rather than walk on the 'roadway'.
Author: straphan
Comments: 6

1 october 2013 - Oxford, St. Aldate's.
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Mercedes-Benz O530 #832

1 october 2013 - Oxford, High Street. Ósemka jest obslugiwana na zmiane z miejscowym Stagecoachem.
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Mercedes-Benz O530 #835

1 october 2013 - Oxford, St. Aldate's. Mimo wzglednie szerokich ulic po których prowadzony jest ruch autobusów napotkalem kilka takich mijanek.
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Mercedes-Benz O530 #843

1 october 2013 - Oxford, High Street. Po kilku miesiacach w Wielkiej Brytanii ladne miejsca to takie, w których wystarczy, ze domki nie sa jednakowe i czerwone:)
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Mercedes-Benz O530 #846

1 october 2013 - Oxford, St. Gile's. Szóstka to krótka linia posiadajaca jedynie 2 przystanki posrednie. Pokonanie calej linii zajmuje 13 do 16 minut w szczycie.
Author: Marcin Łańko (su44)

Mercedes-Benz O530 #854

17 february 2007 - Oxford, High Street. Tył nowszego Citaro :)
Author: kuszok

Mercedes-Benz O530 #858

17 february 2007 - Porównanie dwóch wersji Citaro :) Oxford High Street.
Author: kuszok
Comments: 8

28 july 2007 - Mercedes-Benz Citaro O530; No 858; Route 4A; Destination: Elms Rise; Place: Elms Parade stop, Westminster Way, Oxford - Botley. It's very rare to see new Mercedes on routes 4. They are usually operated by Plaxton Verde.
Author: rafkapro

Comments: 11



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